Learning More About the Popular Hawse Fairlead Types

Hawse fairleads have become an important tool for almost every off-road vehicle. They have gained massive popularity due to their ability to be used with synthetic ropes. Usually, the fairlead is made up of aluminum and has rounded borders. There is a center hole present too. You won’t find any moving parts in this fairlead; as a result, it won’t break off easily even after regular use, which adds to its robustness and durability.

The hawse fairlead is designed in such a way that its hole is narrower and the cable can simply slide over it easily. The normal weight of an aluminum hawse fairlead is about 2lbs. Using synthetic rope with it, it can reduce 40lbs of total weight.

They are much lighter than the roller fairleads, mainly because of the material they are built up of and their size. They also stick out differently in a much more convenient way. Hence, they provide you with a better angle for mounting and approaching. 

Follow this article below to understand the different types of hawse fairleads.

Steel hawse fairlead

Steel is an extremely hard metal and this is the top material for making fairleads besides aluminum. Due to its sturdiness, a steel cable winch can chew up the aluminum fairlead so one must always use a steel fairlead with steel cable winch for better grip and usability.

Aluminum hawse fairlead

Aluminum hawse fairlead is the type that can be used only with a synthetic winch line, eventually resulting in getting a heavier weight of total winch. Since they stick out pretty less from the vehicle’s bumper, you are most likely to get an apprehended approaching angle. It comes with a type 3 coating of the anode, which lasts forever. Other coatings like galvanized, powder coating, or polished edges will get oxidized eventually and start wearing out.

The benefits of using hawse fairleads

  • The models are quite versatile
  • They provide unmatched quality and performance
  • The parts are entirely CNC machined
  • They have an anodized finish
  • The ropes will not be tangled or frayed
  • The exclusive designs can handle both synthetic, aluminum, or steel winch lines with ease
  • They are mostly assembled and do not need any separate installation

To have unmatched performance, pick the hawse fairlead that promises quality far superior to others and impart maximum durability with better usability and strength. 

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